OPEN trains and supports young people (16 – 25) to become ‘peer educators’, to deliver workshops and training to other young people across Shetland. The Issues-based training focuses on Sexual Health and Relationships, Alcohol and Drug use, Mental Health and Online Safety.


Schools Delivery Programme

OPEN’s Peer Education is delivered mainly through school workshops; by trained volunteers (aged 16-25 years) engaging with groups of young people. OPEN have a rolling ‘Schools Delivery Programme’ in place with all high schools and junior high schools in Shetland, which sees every workshop assigned to a specific year group; matching the issues most relevant the participants’ age.
OPEN workshops include:


OPEN Online

OPEN about Child Protection


OPEN about Drugs

OPEN about Alcohol


OPEN about Sex

OPEN about Positive Relationships

OPEN about the Sexual Health Clinic

OPEN about Grooming


Mentally OPEN

OPEN about Change

Training we deliver

Please be aware that all the training provided is done in line with harm reduction methods and are all focused on raising awareness;

OPEN also run a variety of training sessions with youth groups, Youth group staff and volunteers free of charge. Get in touch to book in your training now.

  • Drugs Awareness
  • Alcohol Awareness
  • Sexual Health Awareness
  • Positive Relationships Awareness
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Grooming Awareness
  • LGBTQ+ Awareness
  • Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP)
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership


Peer Educators with OPEN meet weekly on Tuesday nights (Term time) from 6pm to 8.30pm to undertake training, discuss topical issues and plan workshops. During these sessions we have had organisations and charities conducting consultations with our volunteers to get the opinions of young people.


If you like the sound of what we're up to, why not join our team!! If you're interested please fire Wayne a message!

OPEN Shetland

OPEN Shetland

Volunteering Training Survey